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(3) Select to number of the synchronous encoder modules
Synchronous encoders are available in voltage output type(incremental),
differential output type(incremental) and serial absolute output type(MR-HENC).
Q172EX(-S1) can be connected to only serial absolute output type(MR-HENC).
Q172EX-S2/-S3 can be connected to only serial absolute output type
(Q170ENC). When using the incremental synchronous encoder of voltage output
type or differential output type, must be used Q173PX. (The synchronous
encoders are used only in the SV22 virtual mode.)
In addition, the usable numbers of synchronous encoders differ depending on the
The following number of serial absolute synchronous encoders and incremental
synchronous encoders combined can be used.
Motion CPU module Synchronous encoder
Up to 12 modules
( Q172EX: Up to 6 modules )
Up to 8 modules
( Q172EX: Up to 4 modules )
• Tracking enable signal
Tracking enable signal of Q172EX is used as a high-speed reading
function. It cannot be used, as the input start signal which start the input
form serial absolute synchronous encoders.
When using the inputs start signal which start the input from synchronous
encoder, must be used Q173PX. (Type of synchronous encoder is voltage
output(incremental)or differential output(incremental). )
The external input signal of the synchronous encoder is indicated below.
External input signal of the
synchronous encoder
Number of points
on one Q172EX
Tracking enable signal input High-speed reading function 2 points