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3.1.3 Individual parameters
(1) System basic setting
The following explains each item to be set in system basic setting.
(a) Operation cycle
1) Set the of motion operation cycle (cycles at which a position command is
computed and sent to the servo amplifier).
The setting range is 0.4ms/0.8ms/1.7ms/3.5ms/7.1ms/14.2ms/Automatic
setting. The actual operation cycle corresponding to 0.4ms is 0.444...ms.
Similarly, 0.8ms corresponds to 0.888…ms, 1.7ms to 1.777...ms, 3.5ms
to 3.555...ms, 7.1ms to 7.111...ms, and 14.2ms to 14.222…ms,
2) The default value is "Automatic Setting". When "Automatic Setting" is
selected, the operation cycle is set according to the table below based
on the number of axes for servo amplifier set in the System Settings.
Operating system Number of axes Operation cycle setting
1 to 6 axes 0.4 ms
7 to 18 axes 0.8 ms
19 to 32 axes 1.7 ms
1 to 4 axes 0.4 ms
5 to 12 axes 0.8 ms
13 to 28 axes 1.7 ms
29 to 32 axes 3.5 ms