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iQ Works
1.1 MELSOFT iQ Works
MELSOFT iQ Works is an integrated engineering software product which includes GX Works2, MT Developer2, GT
Designer3, and RT ToolBox2.
While sharing design information such as system designs and programming in the whole control system, the
system designing efficiency and the programming efficiency are improved, and thus the total programming cost is
This manual explains the system management method using MELSOFT Navigator.
Q series, L series, and FX series are supported in MELSOFT Navigator, however, this manual explains the
operations of Q series.
To start MELSOFT Navigator and engineering software products, select an item registered in the start menu by
following the procedures below.
• MELSOFT Navigator : Select [MELSOFT Application]
⇒ [MELSOFT iQ Works] ⇒ [MELSOFT Navigator].
• GX Works2 : Select [MELSOFT Application]
⇒ [GX Works2] ⇒ [GX Works2].
• MT Developer2 : Select [MELSOFT Application]
⇒ [MT Works2] ⇒ [MT Developer2].
• GT Designer3 : Select [MELSOFT Application]
⇒ [GT Works3] ⇒ [GT Designer3].
• RT ToolBox2 : Select [MELSOFT Application]
⇒ [RT ToolBox2] ⇒ [RT ToolBox2].
GX Works2
(PLC programming and
maintenance software)
MT Developer2
(Motion programming and
maintenance software)
MELSOFT Navigator
(System management software)
Design information
Share design information
among software products
GT Designer3
(HMI screen creation software)
RT ToolBox2
(Robot total engineering
support software)