The password input screen appears. Enter the
password you set.
The default password is admin.•
If you input a wrong password 4 successive times,
the Web browser is closed. In this case, repeat from
step 1.
The ProjectorView main screen appears. Click
anywhere on the screen.
The screen may not show the latest information •
unless you click on the screen.
Some buttons may not be displayed. In this case, •
select [Start] - [Control Panel] - [Java Plug-in] and
disable the cache.
On Projector-Control Device Installer window, when double-clicking the update button after starting ProjectorView
and then inputting password, the window indicating a script error may appear infrequently. However, this is not
something that affects the operation. If the error window appears, close it by pressing “Yes” or “No” button.
ProjectorView (continued)
Press to display the Setup window.
(See page 15.)
Press to control the projector. For the
functions of these buttons, see the User
Manual of the projector.
• TheDIGITAL1buttonisforHDMI
input and the DIGITAL 2 button is for
DVI input.
Failures in the projector are indicated with dots. When you place the mouse cursor to a dot,
the indicated failure is described in the box at the bottom.
• When mute is on, you cannot change the lamp mode. If you try to change the lamp
mode, a dot appears next to “Command error” of WARNINGS.
• Thoughthedotof“Commanderror”issometimeslitatthetimeofpower-on,thisisnota
malfunction. When you press the Power ON button again after several seconds, the dot
goes out.
[ProjectorView main screen]
Projector information is displayed. To
display the projector information, set
LAN-Controlled Mode to ON (1) (see
page 10) and enter necessary information
on the Projector Setup screen (see page
15) in advance.