Specifications (continued)
With rear projection short throw (OL-XL7100FR)
F No. F2.2
Focal distance f = 12.9 mm
Focus Electrical drive
Picture size 40 inch (86 cm X 54 cm) - 200 inch (431 cm X 269 cm)
Screen size
distance (L)
Lens shift height
Diagonal size Width (W) Height (H)
Standard (H0)
inch cm inch cm inch cm inch m inch cm
40 102 34 86 21 54 26 0.6 -11 -27
60 152 51 129 32 81 39 1.0 -16 -40
80 203 68 172 42 108 53 1.3 -21 -54
100 254 85 215 53 135 66 1.7 -26 -67
120 305 102 258 64 162 79 2.0 -32 -81
150 381 127 323 79 202 100 2.5 -40 -101
200 508 170 431 106 269 133 3.4 -53 -135
The above figures are approximate and may be slightly different from the actual measurements.
• Projectionnotrecommendedinsizewillincreasedistortionandreducetheresolution.
• TheadjustableangleinthekeystoneadjustmentwiththelensdiffersfromthatwiththeWL7200Ulens.
• Inthekeystoneadjustmentwiththelens,theproperaspectratiomaynotbeobtained.