Appendix B: High Resolution Input Connection Compatiblity
Appendix B: High De ni tion I nput Co nnect ion Co mp at ibi lity
These inputs are compatible with component
video signals from standard DVD players
and other equipment sending a standard
NTSC component video signal (480i).
These inputs may also be compatible with
newer DVD players sending a progressive
NTSC component video signal (480p).
Component-1 and Component-2 Inputs
Input Levels and Timing with Com-
ponent Video
Y =1.0Vp-p (includes sync) 75ohms
Pr =700mVp-p, 75ohms (can also receive
signals from outputs labeled R-Y and Cr)
Pb =700mVp-p, 75ohms (can also receive
signals from outputs labeled B-Y and Cb)
DTV Input
This input is compatible with most standard
DTV receivers with component video out-
puts. Compatible DTV signals are SDTV
480i, 480p, and HDTV 1080i. All other DTV
signals, such as 720p, need to be converted
by the DTV receiver to one of the compat-
ible signal types. Please check the DTV
receiver speci cat ions bef or e connect ing.
This input is also compatible with some DTV
receivers using RGB with “sync on green”
or RGB with “separate H and V sync”. Com-
patible DTV signals are SDTV 480i, 480p,
and HDTV 1080i. All other DTV signals,
such as 720p, need to be converted by the
DTV receiver to one of the compatible signal
types. Industry standards for DTV RGB sig-
nals systems, synchronization, timing, and
signal strengths are not currently estab-
lished. These inputs will not be compatible
with all DTV receivers that offer RGB. If
your DTV receiver offers both DTV compo-
nent video signals and DTV RGB signals,
Mitsubishi suggests you use the DTV com-
ponent video signals. Please check the
DTV receiver speci cat ions bef or e connect -
Input Levels and Timing When
Used With Component Video
EIA - 770.3 Standard Levels and Timing
Y =1.0Vp-p (includes sync) 75ohms
Pr =700mVp-p, 75ohms
Pb =700mVp-p, 75ohms
H =Not Used
V =Not Used
Input Levels and Timing When Used
With RGB Video Signals
G (Y) =1.0Vp-p 75ohms
(compatible with sync on green)
R(Pr) =700mVp-p, 75ohms
B(Pb) =700mVp-p, 75ohms
H =4Vp-p+/-1.0v, 75ohms
(when using separate H and V sync)
V =4Vp-p+/-1.0v, 75ohms
(when using separate H and V sync)
VGA Input
This input will accommodate most comput-
ers capable of supporting a VGA monitor.
The only compatible display resolution is
640x480. The sync rate is 60hz. SVGA and
XVGA resolutions are not supported.