Use Pr. 67 to set the number of retries at alarm occurrence.
Pr. 67 Setting Number of Retries Alarm Signal Output
0 Retry is not made.
1 to 10 1 to 10 times Not output.
101 to 110 1 to 10 times Output.
Use Pr. 68 to set the waiting time from when an inverter alarm occurs until a restart in the range 0 to 10
Reading the Pr. 69 value provides the cumulative number of successful restart times made by retry. The
setting of "0" erases the cumulative number of times.
Note: 1. The cumulative number in Pr. 69 is incremented by "1" when retry operation is regarded as
successful, i.e. when normal operation is continued without any alarm occurring during a period
more than four times longer than the time set in Pr. 68.
2. If alarms occur consecutively within a period four times longer than the above waiting time, the
operation panel (FR-DU04) may show data different from the most recent data or the parameter
unit (FR-PU04) may show data different from the first retry data. The data stored as the error
reset for retry is only that of the alarm which occurred the first time.
3. When an inverter alarm is reset at the restart time, the stored data of the electronic overcurrent
protection, regenerative brake duty, etc. are not cleared. (Different from the power-on reset.)
When you have selected the retry function, stay away from the motor and machine
unless required. They will start suddenly (after the reset time has elapsed) after
occurrence of an alarm.
When you have selected the retry function, apply the supplied CAUTION seals in easily
visible places.
Pr. 66
Refer to Pr. 22.