(5) Selection of load pattern (Pr. 14 "load pattern selection")
Used to select the output characteristic (V/F characteristic) according to the application and load
Application Setting
For constant torque load
(e.g. conveyor, cart)
For variable torque load
(fan, pump)
(Factory setting)
Note: When the RT terminal is ON, the second control functions (second acceleration/deceleration,
second torque boost, second base frequency) are selected.
(6) When using a voltage input signal to perform operation (Pr. 73 "0 to 5V, 0 to 10V
When using a voltage-input signal to perform operation, set the specifications of the frequency setting voltage
signal entered to across terminals 2-5.
1) For 0 to 5VDC
Set "1" (factory setting) in Pr. 73.
2) For 0 to 10VDC
Set "0" in Pr. 73.
When using a current input signal to perform operation
When using a current input signal to perform operation, input the signal to across terminals 4-5 and short
terminals AU-SD.
(7) Setting of frequency setting voltage (current) gain (highest output frequency)
Pr. 903
frequency setting voltage gain
Pr. 905
frequency setting current
For voltage signal: Pr. 903 "frequency setting voltage gain"
For current signal: Pr. 905 "frequency setting current gain"
When performing operation at any frequency higher than the following factory setting, change the
corresponding parameter setting:
Parameter Factory Setting
Pr. 903 "frequency setting voltage
60Hz at 5V (or 10V) DC
Pr. 905 "frequency setting current
(0Hz at 4mADC), 60Hz at
When using the parameter unit to perform operation, the highest output frequency is the maximum
frequency (factory-set to 120Hz). (Refer to Pr. 1 "maximum frequency".)
Note: When connecting a frequency meter across terminals FM-SD to monitor the running frequency, you
must change the factory setting of Pr. 55 "frequency monitoring reference" to the highest frequency
since the output of the FM terminal will be saturated at an output frequency of 100Hz or higher.
Simple mode parameter