
MDS-D/DH Series Specifications Manual
1-2 Explanation of type
1 - 7
1-2-3 Spindle motor type
Rating nameplate
(1) 200V series
< SJ-D Series >
< SJ-V Series >
(1) Motor series (4) Specification code (6) Option (Note)
Symbol Motor Series
Indicates a specification
Symbol Option
None Standard code (01 to 99). None Standard (flange type, w ithout oil seal,
J Compact & lightweight without key, coil changeover
specifications (3) Maximum rotation speed unavailable, air-cooling, solid shaft)
Indicates the hundreds place C With key
and higher order digits. J Oil seal
X Reversed cooling air
(2) Short time (or %ED) rated output (Note) If more than one option is included,
Symbol Short-time rated output
the symbols are in alphabetical order.
3.7 3.7kW
5.5 5.5kW (5) Detector
7.5 7.5kW
Symbol Type
11 11kW None Type 1
15 15kW T Type 2
(Note) This explains the model name system of a spindle motor, and all combinations of motor types listed above do not exist.
(1) (2) (4)(3)
(5) (6)
(1) Motor series (3) Shaft configuration (4) Short time rated output (6) Special specification
Symbol Motor series Symbol Axis configuration Symbol Short time rated output Symbol Special specification
V Medium-inertia series None Standard 0.75 0.75 kW None Standard
VL Low-inertia series S Hollow shaft 1.5 1.5 kW Z High-speed bearing
2.2 2.2 kW FZ High-speed bearing front-lock
(2) Coil changeover 3.7 3.7 kW
Symbol Coil changeover
5.5 5.5 kW (5) Specification code
None Unavailable 7.5 7.5 kW The SJ-V/VL Series is indicated with a specification
K Available 11 11 kW code (01 to 99).
15 15 kW
18.5 18.5 kW
22 22 kW
26 26 kW
30 30 kW
37 37 kW
45 45 kW
55 55 kW
(Note 1) The built-in spindle motor is available by special order.
(Note 2) This explains the model name system of a spindle motor, and all combinations of motor types listed above do not exist.
(1) (6)(5) T(2) (4)(3)