Connecting optional devices 5/5
Infrared Monitor
An Infrared Monitor program is provided to help you
keep track of the Pedion’s infrared activity. The
Infrared Monitor can normally be opened by double-
clicking the Infrared icon in the Windows taskbar.
Infrared icon
The default settings of the Infrared Monitor ensure
that the Pedion searches for infrared devices within
range every 3 seconds. If a suitable device is found,
and provided that it is Plug and Play aware, its
associated software can be installed automatically and
communication can begin.
With the Infrared Monitor, you can:
Find out what infrared devices are within range.
Find out if the Pedion is currently
communicating with an infrared device, and if it
is, how well it is communicating.
Control how Infrared Monitor reports status on
the infrared activity it detects.
Decide what type of infrared activity to allow.
For more information, click the Help button in the
Infrared Monitor dialog.