6 - 3
6.2 One-touch tuning
When executing the one-touch tuning, check the [Pr. PA21 One-touch tuning
function selection] is "_ _ _ 1" (initial value).
After connecting MR Configurator2 and opening the one-touch tuning window, you can use the function. The
following parameters are set automatically with one-touch tuning.
Table 6.1 List of parameters automatically set with one-touch tuning
Parameter Symbol Name Parameter Symbol Name
PA08 ATU Auto tuning mode PB15 NH2 Machine resonance suppression filter 2
PA09 RSP Auto tuning response PB16 NHQ2 Notch shape selection 2
Adaptive tuning mode (adaptive filter II)
PB18 LPF Low-pass filter setting
PB19 VRF11
Vibration suppression control 1 -
Vibration frequency
Vibration suppression control tuning
mode (advanced vibration suppression
control II)
PB20 VRF12
Vibration suppression control 1 -
Resonance frequency
PB21 VRF13
Vibration suppression control 1 -
Vibration frequency damping
PB06 GD2 Load to motor inertia ratio
PB22 VRF14
Vibration suppression control 1 -
Resonance frequency damping
PB07 PG1 Model loop gain PB23 VFBF Low-pass filter selection
PB08 PG2 Position loop gain PB47 NHQ3 Notch shape selection 3
PB09 VG2 Speed loop gain PB48 NH4 Machine resonance suppression filter 4
PB10 VIC Speed integral compensation PB49 NHQ4 Notch shape selection 4
PB12 OVA Overshoot amount compensation PB51 NHQ5 Notch shape selection 5
PB13 NH1 Machine resonance suppression filter 1 PE41 EOP3 Function selection E-3
PB14 NHQ1 Notch shape selection 1