
A. If the component has high-pass filters for the Left, Center, and Right channels (usually
only THX components have these filters), they should be turned on or set to THX (if you
have a choice, use the frequency closest to 100Hz - 120 Hz for Xenon series speakers.
The surround channels in a Pro-Logic only system do not have switchable filters.
B. Set the center channel to Normal, unless you have a THX controller. With a THX
controller, set the center channel to the THX setting.
C. Turn off all limiters and compressors, auto azimuth controls, auto balance controls, etc.
D. If the processor/receiver/receiver has an input level control, calibrate it per the
manufacturers instructions.
E. If the component has a digital input, and you are using a source component with a digital
output, always use the digital input, not the analog input.
9. Set levels for each channel. Take the measurement at the listening position to establish the
reference level. Set all channels to exactly the same level.
Use a Sound Level Meter. Point it directly at the speaker being measured. Set all channels to the
same level, using the processor/receiver/receivers internal test signal. Set the meter to Cweighting and
Slowresponse. Set the levels to 75 dB if you have a THX processor/receiver/receiver or are using the
Video Essentials disc as a source for setting levels.
NOTE: If you using identical speakers anywhere in your system (e.g., S-150THX speakers for the left,
center, and right channels), all of those channels should be set to the same level. If your meter measures
a different level, it is probably a limitation of this type of meter measurement method and not an actual
audible level difference. Set the channels using identical speakers to the same level, unless you actually
hear a difference later when you are doing listening to verify the system setup.
10. Check phase. Make sure that all five main channel speakers are wired in phase. The Video
Essentials disc has tests for main speaker phase.
11. Make sure that the subwoofer and main speakers are in phase at the 80 Hz crossover point. Listen
to something with a consistent bass line around 80 Hz while a partner switches the Phasecontrol on the
subwoofer from + to -. The switch position that results in the greatest bass at the listening position is
the correct setting.
12. Play something that is familiar to you through the system to verify the systems overall
performance. If something does no sound right, recheck your connections and settings. Re-measure,
re-check, re-align.
13. Switch the processor/receiver to each input that you will use. Check your settings for each input
and each mode. Some processor/receivers require that you enter settings separately for each mode
and/or input.
14. Before playing the system, check levels and speaker alignment one last time. Make sure that you
write down all processor settings for future reference.
Contact your dealer or M&K with a complete description of the problem. Please have the unit's model
and serial numbers (found on the back of the cabinet), date of purchase, and your dealer's name. You can
call M&K between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday through Friday, at (818) 701-7010.
Alternatively, an email can be sent to service@mksound.com.