3. Press [Feed] once. The LED indicator blinks once.
Press [Feed] ... To set the baud rate to ...
Once 38,400
Twice 19,200
Three times 9600
Four times 4800
Five times 2400
Six times 1200
The printer verifies your selection by flashing the LED
indicator once for each time you pressed [Feed].
4. Press [Feed] twice. The LED indicator blinks twice.
Press [Feed] ... To set ...
Once No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
Twice Even parity, 7 data bits, 1 stop bit
The printer verifies your selection by flashing the LED
indicator once for each time you pressed [Feed].
5. Press [Feed] three times. The LED indicator blinks three
Press [Feed] ... To set flow control to ...
Twice DTR
The printer verifies your selection by flashing the LED
indicator once for each time you pressed [Feed].
6. Press [Feed] four times to exit the communications
parameter set mode. A test label prints automatically,
showing the new communications parameters. The LED
indicator goes off.
9450 Operator’s Handbook