
5-4 Command Reference
Special Characters
The following special characters are reserved for the printer. Do not use them in your script.
{ left brace
_ underscore
| pipe or split vertical bar
} right brace
~ tilde
\ backslash
` grave accent
However, you can use these characters in a string with quotation marks.
Use the tilde character (~) along with the corresponding ASCII code in strings to represent non-
printable characters. For example, ~013 represents a carriage return.
The tilde sequence also works for using a double quote in a quoted string in a command parameter.
For example, to move a double quote (") to the scratch buffer, enter:
Script Flow
Script flow branches out to other functions and labels, depending on whether a command was
successful or if it failed.
When a label is defined...
If a command was successful and a valid label is defined, control passes to that label.
If a command fails and an invalid label is defined, control passes to that label.
When a label is NOT defined...
If a command was successful, control passes to the next line.
If a command fails, control passes to the next line.