Format Buffer Used to store formats, batch data, and
graphics. Use the following formula to
calculate the required format buffer size:
x 50/1024
Linecount is the number of lines in your
format packet including the format header
and all the options.
The result of the above calculation is in
On the 9820, 9830, 9835, 9840, and 9850
printers, formats remain in memory when you
turn off the printer. The 9805 printer only has
volatile RAM and formats, batches, graphics,
and check digits are lost when you turn off
the printer.
Fonts Buffer
Used to store downloaded soft (bitmapped or
TrueType) fonts. To determine the size of
your downloadable fonts, send a font packet.
For TrueType fonts, the file size, in bytes, is
the minimum amount needed in this buffer.
See "Using the Font Packet" for more
Scalable (Vector)
Fonts Buffer
Used to image the scalable or downloaded
(TrueType or bitmapped) font characters.
Increasing this buffer size allows more
characters to be saved in cache memory, so
the characters do not have to be re-built the
next time they are printed. Use 0 if you are
not using scalable/TrueType fonts. This buffer
must be allocated as volatile (R) RAM.
The printer does not print the fonts if there is
not enough memory in this buffer to image
Not all printers support the scalable font.
Configuring the Printer