Setting Communication Parameters
Use the following information if you are using serial
communications. See "Using Parallel Communications" for
information about parallel communications.
Not all printers have a parallel port.
The communication parameters at the printer must match those at
the host, or you will not be able to communicate.
You can use the communication settings packet or DIP switches
to set communication parameters for your printer.
Not all printers have DIP switches.
On MS-DOS computers, you can use the MODE command to set
communication values on your PC.
For example
MODE COM1:9600,N,8,1
This command sets your host to these communication values:
9600 baud, no parity, an 8 bit word length, 1 stop bit.
About DIP Switches
The DIP switches are read when the printer is turned on. The DIP
switch settings override the settings from the online configuration
packets. For example, if you have the DIP switches set for
thermal transfer printing and send the supply setup packet to
specify thermal direct printing, thermal direct printing is used until
the printer is turned off. When the printer is turned back on, it
uses the DIP switch setting for thermal transfer.
Configuring the Printer