Motion Computing LE1600TC Tablet Client User Guide 41
Using Your Motion Tablet Client
• Motion OmniPass > Change User Settings
• Change user audio settings
• Change taskbar tips
• Modify file encryption settings
• Enroll authentication devices
• Set authentication rules and policies
NOTE: For instructions for setting up passwords, refer to
“Replacing Password Logons” on page 41.
• Change System Settings
• Startup options for Windows
• Strong Logon Security
• Vault Management — Password management for websites,
applications, or any password-protected resource
• Encrypt/Decrypt — Settings for authenticating encrypted/decrypted
Checking Logon Status
Move your pen over the OmniPass key icon in the system tray to check. A
pop-up window shows who is logged on.
Open the Motion Dashboard, tap Motion Security Center > Motion
OmniPass or tap the OmniPass key icon and open the OmniPass Control
Center and look at the Current User/Domain information in the second
panel on the left. See the OmniPass Control Center illustration for an
example of this window.
Replacing Password Logons
OmniPass lets you replace the password logons at web sites or anywhere
you are prompted to provide your credentials, such as Internet email, ftp
logons, client logons, or any restricted-access network resource. Once
OmniPass registers your logon credentials, you can conveniently access
any of these restricted areas with your fingerprint. You can also access
these sites with your password.
To replace password logons:
1. Go to a site that requires a log on (username and password), but do
not log on yet.
2. At the site logon prompt, enter your username and password in the
fields provided, but do not
tap Enter, Submit, OK, or Logon or any
other method that accesses the site.
3. Right-click the yellow OmniPass key icon that appears in the system
tray at the bottom of the screen.
4. Tap Remember Password. The Windows arrow cursor will change
to the OmniPass “golden key” cursor.
5. Drag this OmniPass cursor to the area on the site where you would
normally enter your username and password to log on, but do not
tap “Logon” or “Submit” yet. (You will complete the logon in Step 9.)