ftpfolder1 <text string shorter than 40
upload folder in primary FTP server
ftp2 <domain name or IP address> secondary FTP server
ftprp2 <number less than 65535> secondary FTP server port
ftpuser2 <text string shorter than 15
user name for secondary FTP server
ftppass2 <text string shorter than 15
password for secondary FTP server
ftpfolder2 <text string shorter than 40
upload folder in secondary FTP server
Video Configuration URL
URL: /cgi-bin/video.cgi
Name Value Description
enable1 <not required> enable video channel 1
enable2 <not required> enable video channel 2
enable3 <not required> enable video channel 3
enable4 <not required> enable video channel 4
mode Auto let Video Server detect video modulation
NTSC set directly to NTSC type
<other than above> set directly to PAL type
source <1, 2, 3, 4 or All> default video channel
Image Quality Configuration URL
URL: /cgi-bin/image.cgi
Name Value Description
cam <1 ~ 4> Video channel number
time <not required> enclose timestamp
text <text string shorter than 15
enclose caption
color B/W set encoder to monochrome
<other than B/W> set encoder to color
quality Medium lowest resolution
Standard lower resolution
Good normal setting
Detailed higher resolution
Excellent highest resolution
size Half set size to half
Standard set size to standard
Double set size to double
Half x 2 set size to half x 2
Standard x 2 set size to standard x 2
brightness <-5 ~ 5> adjust brightness of image
contrast <-5 ~ 5> adjust contrast of image
hue <-5 ~ 5> adjust hue of image
VPort 2140 User’s Manual