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Secure Terminal Servers/Terminal Servers
Secure Terminal Server/Terminal Server
Secure Terminal Servers
Network security is a critical issue for certain applications. Security
is especially important when data is transmitted over the Internet,
where it is vulnerable to interception by third parties. NPort 6000
device servers use SSL to implement secure modes for network data
security, including Secure TCP Server, Secure TCP Client, Secure
NPort 6000 device servers provide serial-to-Ethernet connectivity that
is more reliable and more secure. They can connect any serial device
to an Ethernet network using different operation modes such as TCP
Server, TCP Client, UDP, and Pair Connection mode. For applications
that require data security, such as banking, telecom, access control, or
remote site management, secure modes are also available, including
Secure TCP Server, Secure TCP Client, Secure Pair-Connection, and
Secure Real COM mode.
Secure Data Communication with SSL Protocol
Pair Connection, and Secure Real COM modes. The NPort 6000
and included drivers adhere to the SSL standard and automatically
negotiate the encryption key. To prevent hacker attacks, the NPort will
automatically switch from DES/3DES to AES encryption.
IP Systèmes, importateur/distributeur des solutions de communication industrielle MOXA en France Tel : 0820 200 290 (15cts/min)