Technical Reference
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual A-3
faster than normal I/O access.
All messages and data are transferred through this 512 KB dual-ported memory.
The buffer area appears as normal 16-bit memory to the PC AT I/O channel.
Intellio C218Turbo/PCI only occupies 16 KB of memory space (window) from
the system point of view.
UART 16C550C
The UART chip, 16C550C, is an intelligent asynchronous controller capable of
supporting one full duplex channel that transfers data at
921.6 Kbps simultaneously.
To increase the overall data throughput, special features such as on-chip FIFO and
on-chip hardware flow control are used to reduce the number of interrupts to the on
board CPU and to prevent any loss of valuable data.
DB62 Connector Pinouts
The following lists the pin assignments of the DB62 connector on the bracket. You
may fabricate octopus cable for DB25 to 8 x DB9.
Pin no. Signal Pin no. Signal Pin no.Signal
1 TxD1 22 RxD1 43 CTS1
2 DTR1 23 DSR1 44 RTS1
24 DCD1 45 GND
3 RxD2 25 TxD2 46 CTS2
4 DSR2 26 DTR2 47 RTS2
5 DCD2
6 TxD3 27 RxD3 48 CTS3
7 DTR3 28 DSR3 49 RTS3
29 DCD3 50 GND
8 RxD4 30 TxD4 51 CTS4
9 DSR4 31 DTR4 52 RTS4
10 DCD4 32 GND
11 RxD5 33 TxD5 53 CTS5
12 DSR5 34 DTR5 54 RTS5
13 DCD5 55 GND
14 TxD6 35 RxD6 56 CTS6
15 DTR6 36 DSR6 57 RTS6
37 DCD6 58 GND
16 RxD7 38 TxD7 59 CTS7
17 DSR7 39 DTR7 60 RTS7
18 DCD7 40 GND
19 RxD8 41 TxD8 61 CTS8
20 DSR8 42 DTR8 62 RTS8
21 DCD8