
Chapter 4 For UNIX Users
14. sio_RTS( ) Set modem line control signal RTS.
15. sio_flowctrl( ) Setting CTS/RTS and XON/XOFF flow control.
16. sio_disableTx( ) Disable transmitting data.
17. sio_enableTx( ) Enable transmitting data.
Function Description:
The following lists the syntax of MOXA non-TTY port functions. The
variable port is the port number of a specific MOXA non-TTY port to be
The return value -2 stands for Ethernet cabling problem or Async Concentrator
problem which may causes time out in function execution.
1. Open a non-TTY port.
int sio_open(int port)
return = 0 ok
-1 bad port
-2 time out
port = port number
2. Close a non-TTY port.
int sio_close(int port)
return = >=0 ok : bit 0 ON means Rx queue has data
bit 1 ON means Tx queue has data
-1 bad port
-2 time out
port = port number
3. Read data from a non-TTY port.