4 Serial Programming Tools
Moxa supports an easy to use yet powerful serial programming library and communication
troubleshooting utilities under Windows NT, Windows 95/98, Windows 2000/XP, and
DOS. You will save a lot of development time by using MOXA’s Serial Programming
The following sections detail the installation, the library, and the utilities for various
PComm is a professional serial comm tool for use on a PC. This software package works
under Windows NT, Windows 95/98, and Windows 2000/XP, and consists of a powerful
serial communication library for easy programming in most popular programming
languages. It also comes with several useful utilities such as diagnostic, monitor, and
terminal emulator, and illustrative example programs and comprehensive on-line
The serial communication library is useful for developing a system for data communication,
remote access, data acquisition, or industrial control in the Windows NT, Windows 95/98,
and Windows 2000/XP environment, and offers an easier solution compared with the more
complex Windows Win32 COMM API. The following topics are discussed:
PComm Installation
PComm Programming Library