
EDS-408A/405A Series User’s Manual Featured Functions
Decide appropriate coupling ports in each switch and link them together. Next, assign one switch
(e.g., Switch A) as coupler and set the proper coupling control port with another switch (e.g.,
Switch B) in the same Turbo Ring, and then connect them.
Consequently, the Coupler switch (e.g., Switch A) will monitor switch B through the coupling
control port to decide whether or not the coupling port’s backup path should be recovered.
The user only needs to enable the Ring Coupling function on one EDS (not on the opposing
EDS or an adjacent EDS). The Redundant Port, Coupling Port, and Coupling Control Port must
all be assigned to different ports.
Ring Coupling and Ring Master do not need to be set up on the same EDS.
Configuring Turbo Ring
Use the Communication Redundancy page to configure Turbo Ring.
Now Active
This shows the communication protocol in use: Turbo Ring, RSTP, or none.
This field appears only when selected to operate in Turbo Ring mode. It indicates if this EDS is
the Master of the Turbo Ring or not.
The user does not need to set the master to use Turbo Ring, only to assign which segment serves
as the backup path.
The master will be determined automatically if the user does not set a dedicated master for the
Turbo Ring.