Insufficient pumped spray Clogged pump intake screen ........... Clean
pressure Clogged spray pipe .......................... Clean
Scrap screen full .............................. Must be kept clean and in place
Low water level in tank ................... Check drain and overflow tube
Defective pump seal ........................ Contact service agent
Insufficient final rinse or no Clogged rinse nozzle and/or arm .... Clean with paper clip/delime
final rinse Clogged strainer............................... Clean or replace
Low final rinse temperature Low incoming water ........................ Check the booster be sure the thermostat is set
temperature ...................................... to maintain 180°F/82°C temperature.
Check fill valve operation.
Defective thermometer .................... Check for proper setting or replace
Poor washing results Detergent dispenser not
operating properly ........................... Contact detergent supplier
Insufficient detergents ..................... Contact detergent supplier
Food Soil concentration too
high in wash tank............................. Drain tank, clean and refill every 2 hours of
operation or after each meal period.
Wash water temperature
too low ............................................. See condition “Wash Tank
Water Temperature” above
Wash arm clogged ........................... Clean
Wash arm not rotating ..................... Clean arm. Check bearing, replace if
.......................................................... necessary.
Improperly scrapped dishes ............ Check scrapping procedures
Ware improperly
placed in rack ................................... Use proper racks. Do not overload racks
Improperly cleaned
equipment ........................................ Unclog wash sprays and rinse nozzles
to maintain proper pressure and flow
conditions. Overflows must be open.
Keep wash water as clean as possible.
Heating element has soil/lime
buildup ............................................. Clean and/or delime.
Detergent pick up tube in
incorrect container ........................... Place
RED pick up tube in detergentcontainer.