Models MH-60, MH-6N, and MH-6L use a float switch and circuit board
to control tank fill and tank heat.
For Model MH-60 only, the built-in booster heat circuit is also controlled
by the float switch.
1. When dishwasher main power switch is turned on (wash tank empty), the
drain valve closes allowing cycle time to run for a minimum of 110 sec-
onds to fill the tank.
2. The float switch ball rises; its normally open contacts close.
The fill circuit times out; the fill solenoid de-energizes, and
the tank heat and booster heat energize.
3. If water level drops below the float level, the float switch ball moves down; heat
de-energizes. The fill solenoid energizes and the fill cycle runs for a minimum of 110
seconds to refill the tank.
4. If the tank is not full of water at the end of the 110-second fill cycle, then the machine
will cycle again. When the float switch is satisfied, the fill cycle stops after completing
its 110-second cycle.
5. Refer to the float switch troubleshooting chart below (Fig. 16) for a quick guide to
evaluating float switch problems.