installation or service. (Drawing D609)
Note: This ease eliminates frequent coordination conflicts between trades. Instead of the
contractors converging on job sites attempting to achieve opposite results (caps on/caps off, cables
down/ cables up), the electrical contractor can route and lay the cables after the installation of
ConnectFloor is completed. Carpeting is done when both trades are gone from the job site.
h. Ramp without Ramp Rail: The nominal width of
the Ramp part (AD-625) is 4”(10CM). Plan Ramp
installation according to width of the ramp area—this
often corresponds to the opening of the adjacent
doorway, or as required by applicable Building
Codes. Use full ramp sections and then use the Free
Standing Edge, to take up the residual space and
provide a finish edge to the triangular sides of the
ramp as well as carpeting. Use tape of sufficient
width to tape down top and bottom of Ramp.
Carpeted over, there is no visual transition between
ramps and carpet. (Drawing D612)
Free Standing (Skirting) Edge: It is a strip of
aluminum extrusion shaped like a letter “F” cross-
section-wise, with the top channel to receive the edge
of carpeting. There is also a luminous strip on the
top of the edge that provides a luminous strip that
remains illuminated for about 6 minutes. Cut strips to
required length, drill holes on top flange as needed
and secure to UniPanels by flat-head screws. The
vertical flange provides a finished edge to the
exposed sides of ConnectFloor. (Drawing D614).
j. Finish Wall / Perimeter: Various ConnectFloor
accessories are designed to “round out” UniPanel
installation by successively taking up the residual
space after installation of the last full UniPanels or
SubPanels along the finish wall. The wall may be
finished by the accessories or by cutting the
UniPanel to run +/-.08” from the wall. The optional
accessories that can be used are located under
Section 4 – Optional Trim Accessories.
k. Finish Wall of irregular shapes: Irregular perimeter spaces may be filled up by using a
combination of Wall Rail, Edge Rail and Corner Rail units. The most flexible installation is