Figure 7. Generator Components (Continued)
25 26
16. This gauge is located on top of the fuel
tank. Read this gauge to determine when fuel is low.
17. Remove this cap to add unleaded
gasoline to the fuel tank. Replenish with clean unleaded
gasoline. Make sure cap is tightened securely.
NOT over fill.
18. Capacity is 5 gallons (19 liters). Fill with
unleaded gasoline.
19. Prevents dirt and other debris from
entering the fuel system. Remove wing-nut on top of air
filter cannister to gain access to filter element.
run the engine without an air cleaner.
20. Manual-starting method.
Pull the starter grip until resistance is felt, then pull
briskly and smoothly.
21. Remove this cap/dipstick
when the adding of engine oil is required. See Table 2
for recommended type engine oil.
22. Remove this drain plug
when draining of the oil from the engine crankcase
is required. Fill with recommended type oil as listed
in Table 4.
23. Used to reduce noise and
emissions. touch this heat shield when the
generator/welder is in use. Always allow time for engine
to cool before servicing.
24. Provides spark to the ignition system.
Set spark plug gap to 0.6 - 0.7 mm (0.028 - 0.031 inch)
Clean spark plug once a week.
25. Used for starting the engine. Close
the choke lever when starting a cold engine or in
cold weather conditions. The choke enriches the fuel
mixture. Open the choke lever if starting a warm engine
or in warm weather conditions
26. Turn this lever downward to start
(down)the flow of fuel into the carburetor. Turn upward
to stop (up) the flow of fuel.
This engine is equipped with a low oil
shutdown capability. A built in sensor will automatically
turn off the engine should the oil level fall below a safe
operating condition. Make sure the generators is placed
on level ground. Placing the generators on level ground
will ensure that the low oil sensor will function properly.