Chapter 3 – Using the Web Management Software
MultiModem rCell User Guide 47
Remote Configuration Group
The Remote Configuration group allows the device to connect to a remote server using the IP and port
information for uploading GPS data.
TCP/UDP Client Enable or disable the TCP/UDP Client and defines the protocol of the client. The defaults are
Disable and TCP.
Remote Host Displays the IP address and port number of the Remote Host.
Password If the Remote Host requests a password, the password entered here is sent to the server in
NMEA Configuration Group
The NMEA Configuration allows you to configure the time interval, any additional prefix or ID information and forward NMEA
Interval The Interval is defined in seconds. The default is 10 seconds. The range is 1 to 255 seconds.
Add ID Prefix The ID Prefix is 0 to 10 character prefix added to the ID.
Add ID The ID is a unique remote asset identification string. You can specify up to 20 characters for
the ID string. The & and $ are invalid characters. The ID must follow the standard NMEA
sentence structure. The Universal IP AT Commands Reference Guide, which you can download
from the Multi-Tech website, describes sentence structure.
GGA, GSA, GSV, GLL, RMC, and VTG are the NMEA sentences. You can turn each sentence On
or Off. The default is On.
Communication Examples
Communication is shown from the remote side.
TCP Server example
read: "PASSWORD\r\n"
write: "serverpasswd\r\n"
read: "OK\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPGGA,192913.002,4505.9845,N,09311.7705,W,1,10,1.0,249.0,M,-29.0,M,,0000*6F\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPGSA,A,3,13,07,03,05,19,06,23,08,16,10,,,1.8,1.0,1.6*3F\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPGSV,3,1,12,07,59,308,33,13,59,202,32,03,55,083,33,19,50,136,33*76\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPGSV,3,2,12,06,43,065,26,23,35,177,26,08,24,296,27,16,19,059,21*79\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPGSV,3,3,12,10,14,286,29,05,07,321,28,24,06,087,23,21,01,029,*76\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPGLL,4505.9845,N,09311.7705,W,192913.002,A,A*43\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPRMC,192913.002,A,4505.9845,N,09311.7705,W,000.0,117.3,220710,,,A*76\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPVTG,117.3,T,,M,000.0,N,000.0,K,A*09\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPGGA,192915.002,4505.9842,N,09311.7699,W,1,10,1.0,248.9,M,-29.0,M,,0000*62\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPGSA,A,3,13,07,03,05,19,06,23,08,16,10,,,1.8,1.0,1.6*3F\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPGSV,3,1,12,07,59,308,33,13,59,202,33,03,55,083,33,19,51,136,33*76\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPGSV,3,2,12,06,43,065,25,23,35,177,26,08,24,296,27,16,19,059,21*7A\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPGSV,3,3,12,10,14,286,28,05,07,321,28,24,06,087,23,21,01,029,*77\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPGLL,4505.9842,N,09311.7699,W,192915.002,A,A*46\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPRMC,192915.002,A,4505.9842,N,09311.7699,W,000.0,117.3,220710,,,A*73\r\n"
read: "&&rcell$GPVTG,117.3,T,,M,000.0,N,000.0,K,A*09\r\n"