Using the Radio IP Stack to Make a Data Connection
Connect by issuing the command: AT#SGACT=1,1 (using PDP context #1).
Using the Host System IP Stack to Make a Data Connection
This device only supports packet data connections, such as dial-up networking. To make a data connection, you
must use a PPP dialer. If your carrier requires a username and password for the Internet connection, be sure to
enter that information into the PPP dialer. Dial up using ATD*99***1# (using PDP context #1).
Disconnect a Data Connection Using an Internal IP Stack
Issue the following command to disconnect: AT#SGACT=1,0
How to Disconnect a Data Connection Using Host IP Stack
Issue the following command to disconnect: AT#SGACT-1,0.
Using Command Mode and Online Data Mode
Modems have two operation modes, command and online data. When you power up the modem it is in command
mode and ready to accept AT commands.
Use AT commands to communicate with and configure your modem. They allow you to establish, read, and modify
device parameters and control how the modem works. The device can also generate responses to AT commands
that help determine the modem’s current state.
If the modem is in online data mode, it only accepts the Escape command (+++).
To send the modem AT Commands from terminal emulation software, set the software to match the modem’s
default data format, which is:
■ Speed: 115,200 bps
■ Data bits: 8
■ Parity: none
■ Stop bit: 1
■ Flow control: hardware
To confirm you are communicating with the device:
■ Type AT and press Enter.
If the device responds with OK, you are communicating with the device.
Verifying Signal Strength
To verify the device signal strength, enter:
The command indicates signal quality, in the form:
USB-D MTD-H5 User Guide 19