Chapter 6: Using the Software
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 110
Link Management
The Link Management screen is essentially an automated utility for pinging endpoints on your VOIP network.
This utility generates pings of variable sizes at variable intervals and records the response to the pings.
Figure 6-6: Link management
Link Management screen Field Definitions
Field Name
alues Description
Monitor Link fields
IP Address to Ping
This is the IP address of the target endpoint to be pinged.
Pings per Test 1-999 This field determines how many pings will be generated by the Start Now
Response Timeout 500 – 5000
The duration after which a ping will be considered to have failed.
Ping Size in Bytes 32 – 128 bytes This field determines how long or large the ping will be.
Timer Interval
between Pings
0 or 30 – 6000
This field determines how long of a wait there is between one ping and the
Start Now command
-- Initiates pinging.
Clear command
-- Erases ping parameters in Monitor Link field group and restores default
Link Status Parameters
These fields summarize the results of pinging.
IP Address column
Target of ping.
No. of Pings Sent as listed Number of pings sent to target endpoint.
No. of Pings
as listed Number of pings received by target endpoint.
Round Trip Delay
as listed,
in milliseconds
Displays how long it took from time ping was sent to time ping response
was received.
Last Error as listed Indicates when last data error occurred.