■ Frank W. Murphy Manufacturer
P.O. Box 470248; Tulsa, Oklahoma 74147; USA
tel. (918) 627-3550 fax (918) 664-6146
e-mail fwmurphy@ionet.net
■ Frank W. Murphy Southern Division
P.O. Box 1819; Rosenberg, Texas 77471; USA
tel. (281) 342-0297 fax (281) 341-6006
e-mail murphysd@intertex.net
Since 1939
■ Frank W. Murphy, Ltd.
Church Rd.; Laverstock, Salisbury SP1 1QZ; U.K.
tel. +44 1722 410055 fax +44 1722 410088 tlx 477088
e-mail sales@fwmurphy.co.uk
■ Frank W. Murphy Pte., Ltd.
26 Siglap Drive; Republic of Singapore 456153
tel. +65 241-3166 fax +65 241-8382
e-mail fwmsales@fwmurphy.com.sg
■ Murphek Pty., Ltd.
1620 Hume Highway; Campbellfield, Vic 3061; Australia
tel. +61 3 9358-5555 fax +61 3 9358-5558
In order to consistently bring you the highest quality, full featured products, we reserve the right to change our specifications and designs at any time.
■ Murphy de México, S.A. de C.V.
Blvd. Antonio Rocha Cordero 300, Fracción del Aguaje
San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.; México 78384
tel. +52-48-206264 fax +52-48-206336
e-mail murmexsl@infosel.net.mx
■ Murphy Switch of California
P.O. Box 900788; Palmdale, California 93590; USA
tel. (805) 272-4700 fax (805) 947-7570
e-mail sales@murphyswitch.com
■ Frank W. Murphy France
tel. +33 1 30 762626 fax +33 1 30 763989