5. Fold over the top side (E) (Figure 24) and cover (F)
(Figure 25).
6. Mustang Survival uses advanced 2-step zippers.
ZIP 1 -Reset the long zipper by pulling the slider
(G) around the top to the Velcro™ tab (H). ZIP 2
-Close by pulling the slider (G) in the opposite
direction to the end of the zipper (Figure 27). Ensure
that the Inflatable cell does not get caught by the
zipper when closing.
7. Fasten the Velcro™ tab (H) (Figure 28) to keep zipper closed.
8. ZIP 1 – Reset the short 2-step zipper by pulling the slider (I) to the Velcro™ tab (H). ZIP
2 – Close by pulling slider (I) in the opposite direction to the end of the zipper (Figure
30). Ensure that the inflatable cell does not get caught by the zipper when closing.
9. Use a finger to push the zipper ends into the openings at the bottom of the packed
Inflatable PFD (Figure 31).
10. Ensure the pull-tab (J) is on the outside of the folded Inflatable PFD. Figure 32 depicts a
correctly folded Inflatable PFD.
Figure 20
Figure 21
Figure 22
Figure 24
Figure 23
Figure 26
Figure 25
Figure 28
Figure 27
Figure 29
Figure 30
Figure 31
Figure 32
MD3188 Inflatable PFD Manufacturer's Manual