
The PRM-400 is equipped with a 7-
band Stereo Graphic Equalizer
(22), allowing final tonal adjustments
on the Master Mix. This master EQ
is post-Stereo Master faders
(27A,27B) so you must exercise
care in the proper use of these EQs
for best overall sound [see also
INPUT SECTION, (6) EQ above].
The EQ Bypass switch (25) can be
used to add or eliminate the Stereo
EQ from the Master Mix (button
depressed=EQ bypassed).
Further processing of the Master
Mix can be done by utilizing the
stereo Master Inserts (14,15). The
PRE EQ insert (14) inserts a signal
from an outboard processor, as
desired, between the Stereo Master
faders (27A,27B) and the Stereo
Graphic Equalizer (22), while the
POST EQ insert(15) inserts it POST
EQ and before the PRM-400 internal
power amp. The insert points are
normalized, i.e., the signal is only
interrupted when a jack is plugged
into it. The insert jacks are config-
ured as: Tip = send, Ring = return,
Sleeve = ground.
The Inserts can also be used as
Master Mix pre or post-EQ direct
outputs by sending the signal from
the ring. To use an insert as a direct
output, insert a 1/4 phone plug
halfway into the insert jack so the tip
of the plug connects with the ring of
the insert jack. The jack will click
into place when the connection to
the ring is made. Such outputs can
thus serve as feeds for external
amplifiers or recording devices, for
The Aux/Mon Select switch (26)
can be used to switch between nor-
mal stereo L/R to dual mono opera-
tion, such as for powering separate
mains and monitor speakers with
the PRM-400. The UP position is for
stereo operation as described
above, and the DOWN (depressed)
position enables dual mono opera-
tion as follows: The Left speaker
output is a mono mix of both the
Left and Right signals as controlled