a) Select the “Temperature” icon from the sub menu.
b) Select the temperature as desired by moving the arrow keys in any
4) Adjust the Cutoff
The Cutoff adjustment is the most powerful adjustment. It alters the
starting point (the black level) and the ending point (the white level).
If the Cutoff level for color is raised or lowered, black, white, and all
levels between are raised or lowered by the same degree.
Before adjusting the Cutoff, it is best to display a screen with a black
background (such as the DOS command screen).
a) Select “Cutoff” icon. The screen shown on the left will appear.
b) Adjust each color until you can create a uniform black screen.
5) Adjust the Gain
The Gain adjustment has no effect on the starting point (the black
level). It changes only the ending point (the white level). The Gain
adjustment is used to fine tune the whites and light grays to a good
Before adjusting the Gain, it is best to display a screen image that has a
white or grayscale background, such as the operating window for
a) Select “Gain” icon. The screen shown on the left will appear.
b) Adjust each color until you can create a uniform white screen.
6) To register the adjustment, select the “Save” icon and then press the
ENTER key. If the settings are not saved, all adjustments will be lost.
7) Finally, readjust the contrast in the “Screen” menu to get the best image
• If an inappropriate adjustment is made, corrections can be made by
repeating the above procedure starting from Step 3 (temperature
• The values shown in percentages (%) for both the Cutoff and Gain
adjustments represent the current level within the specific adjustment
only. They are available only as a reference tool. (To create a uniform
white or black screen, the percentages for each will probably not be the