• If the volume level of the EIZO optional i·Sound
speaker is too high, it may, in some cases, cause a
slight vibration. To eliminate, turn down the
volume of the speaker.
• Flicker will occur with interlaced scanning, or
non-interlaced scanning with a low refresh rate. All
EIZO monitors are capable of reproducing high
refresh rates for non-interlaced scanning. If a
problem occurs when using a non-interlaced signal,
try adjusting the graphics board to increase the
refresh rate (if possible). Refer to the graphics
board manual for information.
• Adjust the contrast and brightness using the
ScreenManager’s Screen menu.
See page 10.
• Go to the ScreenManager’s Screen menu. Switch on
the moiré reduction feature and adjust as necessary.
See page 11.
3) The image is flickering.
4) The screen is too bright or
too dark.
5) Moiré patterns are
Non-Interlaced / Interlaced
In a “non-interlaced” scan, the electric guns draw the entire image in one vertical
pass, with each pass covering every horizontal line.
In a “interlaced” scan, the guns draw the entire image by scanning vertically twice.
At the first scanning, the guns draw every other horizontal line. At the second, they
draw the other lines. Thus, in a "interlaced scan", the image flickers more visibly
when compared with a "non-interlaced" scan.
The term “flicker” refers to noticeable shimmering that occurs when the image on
the screen is redrawn (“refreshed”) too slowly. A refresh rate of 80 Hz means the
image is redrawn 80 times per second. Most people will notice flicker at image
refresh rates as high as 60 or 70 Hz, whereas refresh rates of 72 Hz or above usually
is not noticeable. Flicker is known to be the cause of visual fatigue.
• A unstable signal from the graphics board may be the cause of the above problem
when using the monitor with a high resolution or in a high refresh mode. (The video
signal from the graphics board might be made irregular due to the use of a high
speed dot clock.) Change the resolution or the refresh rate to another setting.