To restore the changed brightness and the color caused by long use to
close to those original ones.
→ Execute the <Color Restoration>.
The changed brightness and the color caused by long use can be corrected and
restored to close to those factory default settings.
[Adjustment Procedure]
(1) Execute the <Color Restoration>. (The operation takes about one minute.)
(2) When color restoration is completed, the original ScreenManager menu is
• Allow the monitor to stabilize for at least 60 minutes before executing this
function. Otherwise, the warning message “Warming up!” will appear on the
• Execute this function in every fixed time (ex. 2000 hours usage), so that you
can keep stable brightness and color-tone for a long period.
• The total usage time (in hour) can be checked as the <Information> in the
<Others> menu.
<Custom> mode: to adjust each color, (Red, Green and
→ Adjust the < Gain (p. 33)>, < Cutoff (p. 33)>
Change the <Color Mode> to <Custom>. The values shown in percentages (%) for
both the Cutoff and Gain are available only as a reference tool.
[Adjustment Procedure]
(1) First, set the monitor to maximum contrast and brightness.
(2) <Temperature> Set the color temperature that is close to the desired color.
(3) Adjust each color to become a uniform black level by using the <Cutoff>
(4) Adjust each color to the desired white level by using the <Gain> function.
(5) Select <Save> and then press the Enter key. (The adjustment data will be lost, if
the monitor is turned off without saving changes).
<sRGB> mode: To select sRGB
→ Select the <sRGB > in < Color Mode>.
During selecting the <sRGB>, color, brightness and contrast cannot be adjusted.
Likewise, Fine Contrast Mode can not be changed by the AUTO/FINE MODE