Chaining procedure
1) Attach BNC coaxial “Y” connectors to each of the BNC inputs (H, V,
G, R and B) on the first monitor in the chain (call this Monitor A).
Then connect the monitor to the PC, using a signal cable equipped with
BNC connectors at the monitor side.
2) Attach BNC coaxial “Y” connectors to the next monitor (monitor B).
Connect monitors A and B, this time using a signal cable with BNC
connectors at both sides.
3) Connect monitor B to monitor C, and continue in the same manner
until all the monitors have been connected in the chain.
4) Set the termination switch on the last monitor in the chain to 75
ohms. Set the termination switches on all other monitors to HIGH
• Use a pen or other implement to set the termination switch. Do not
push the switch with a screwdriver or other hard object, as this may
cause damage to the switch or the monitor.
• When returning to a one-monitor configuration, be sure to reset the
termination switch on the monitor to 75 ohms.