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INTEN The Interrupt Enable bit controls generating
ACB interrupts. When the INTEN bit is cleared
ACB interrupt is disabled. When the INTEN bit
is set, interrupts are enabled.
0 – ACB interrupts disabled.
1 – ACB interrupts enabled.
An interrupt is generated (the interrupt signals
to the ICU is high) on any of the following
An address MATCH is detected (ACB-
ST.NMATCH = 1) and the NMINTE bit is
A Bus Error occurs (ACBST.BERR = 1).
Negative acknowledge after sending a
byte (ACBST.NEGACK = 1).
An interrupt is generated on acknowledge
of each transaction (same as hardware
setting the ACBST.SDAST bit).
If ACBCTL1.STASTRE = 1, in master
mode after a successful start
Detection of a Stop Condition while in
slave receive mode (ACBST.SLVSTP = 1).
ACK The Acknowledge bit holds the value this de-
vice sends in master or slave mode during the
next acknowledge cycle. Setting this bit to 1
instructs the transmitting device to stop send-
ing data, since the receiver either does not
need, or cannot receive, any more data. This
bit is cleared after the first acknowledge cycle.
This bit is ignored when in transmit mode.
GCMEN The Global Call Match Enable bit enables the
match of an incoming address byte to the gen-
eral call address (Start Condition followed by
address byte of 00h) while the ACB is in slave
mode. When cleared, the ACB does not re-
spond to a global call.
0 – Global call matching disabled.
1 – Global call matching enabled.
NMINTE The New Match Interrupt Enable controls
whether ACB interrupts are generated on new
matches. Set the NMINTE bit to enable the in-
terrupt on a new match (i.e., when ACB-
ST.NMATCH is set). The interrupt is issued
only if the ACBCTL1.INTEN bit is set.
0 – New match interrupts disabled.
1 – New match interrupts enabled.
STASTRE The Stall After Start Enable bit enables the
stall after start mechanism. When enabled,
the ACB is stalled after the address byte.
When the STASTRE bit is clear, the ACB-
ST.STASTR bit is always clear.
0 – No stall after start.
1 – Stall-after-start enabled.
24.3.5 ACB Control Register 2 (ACBCTL2)
The ACBCTL2 register is a byte-wide, read/write register
that controls the module and selects the ACB clock rate. At
reset, the ACBCTL2 register is cleared.
ENABLE The Enable bit controls the ACB module.
When this bit is set, the ACB module is en-
abled. When the Enable bit is clear, the ACB
module is disabled, the ACBCTL1, ACBST,
and ACBCST registers are cleared, and the
clocks are halted.
0 – ACB module disabled.
1 – ACB module enabled.
SCLFRQ The SCL Frequency field specifies the SCL
period (low time and high time) in master
mode. The clock low time and high time are
defined as follows:
= t
= 2 × SCLFRQ × t
Where t
is this device’s clock period when
in Active mode. The SCLFRQ field may be
programmed to values in the range of
0001000b through 1111111b. Using any other
value has unpredictable results.
24.3.6 ACB Control Register 3 (ACBCTL3)
The ACBCTL3 register is a byte-wide, read/write register
that expands the clock prescaler field and enables ARP
matches. At reset, the ACBCTL3 register is cleared.
ARPMEN The ARP Match Enable bit enables the
matching of an incoming address byte to the
SMBus ARP address 110 0001b general call
address (Start condition followed by address
byte of 00h), while the ACB is in slave mode.
0 – ACB does not respond to ARP address-
1 – ARP address matching enabled.
SCLFRQ The SCL Frequency field specifies the SCL
period (low time and high time) in master
mode. The ACBCTL3 register provides a 2-bit
expansion of this field, with the remaining 7
bits being held in the ACBCTL2 register.
7 1 0
7 3 2 1 0