About This Manual
Getting Started with CAN for Windows NT x
National Instruments Corporation
Use the NI-CAN Programmer Reference Manual for Win32 for specific
information about each NI-CAN function and object, such as format,
parameters, and possible errors.
Organization of This Manual
This manual is organized as follows:
• Chapter 1, Introduction, explains how to use this manual, lists what
you need to get started and optional equipment you can order, and
briefly describes the CAN hardware and the NI-CAN software for
Windows NT.
• Chapter 2, Installation and Configuration, describes how to install
and configure the CAN hardware and the NI-CAN software for
Windows NT.
• Chapter 3, Verify the Installation, describes how to verify the hardware
and software installation.
• Chapter 4, Begin to Use the NI-CAN Software, helps you get started
with the NI-CAN software for Windows NT.
•AppendixA, Uninstall the Hardware and Software, describes how
to uninstall the CAN hardware and the NI-CAN software from
Windows NT.
•AppendixB, Cabling Requirements, describes the cabling
requirements for CAN interfaces.
•AppendixC, Troubleshooting and Common Questions, describes how
to troubleshoot problems and answers some common questions.
•AppendixD, Specifications, describes the physical characteristics of
the CAN hardware, along with the recommended operating conditions.
• Appendix E, Customer Communication, contains forms you can use to
request help from National Instruments or to comment on our products
and manuals.
•The Glossary contains an alphabetical list and a description of terms
used in this manual, including abbreviations, acronyms, metric
prefixes, mnemonics, and symbols.