
Connection Diagram
Top View
Order Number HPC167064 EL
See NS Package Number EL68C
The highly flexible A and B ports are similarly structured
The Port A (see
Figure 11
) consists of a data register and a
direction register Port B (see
Figures 12
Figure 14
) has
an alternate function register in addition to the data and
direction registers All the control registers are readwrite
The associated direction registers allow the port pins to be
individually programmed as inputs or outputs Port pins se-
lected as inputs are placed in a TRI-STATE mode by reset-
ting corresponding bits in the direction register
A write operation to a port pin configured as an input causes
the value to be written into the data register a read opera-
tion returns the value of the pin Writing to port pins config-
ured as outputs causes the pins to have the same value
reading the pins returns the value of the data register
Primary and secondary functions are multiplexed onto Port
B through the alternate function register (BFUN) The sec-
ondary functions are enabled by setting the corresponding
bits in the BFUN register
FIGURE 11 Port A IO Structure