
Appendix A Specifications
© National Instruments Corporation A-3 NI 5102 User Manual
Transfer Characteristics
Relative accuracy ...................................±1 LSB typ, ±1.8 LSB max
Differential nonlinearity.........................±0.3 LSB typ, ±0.5 LSB max
No missing codes ...................................8 bits guaranteed
Offset error after calibration ..................±1.5 LSB max
Gain error after calibration.....................±1% max
DC accuracy...........................................±2.5% of full scale at all gains
Dynamic Characteristics
Smallsignal(3 dB)....................... 15 MHz typ
Large signal (2% THD) ..................10 MHz typ
AC coupling low
frequency cut-off.............................11 Hz (1.1 Hz with X10 probe)
Settling for full-scale step
to ±1% full-scale range.......................... 50 ns typ
System noise ..........................................0.5 LSB rms typ
Crosstalk.................................................60 dB
S/H Characteristics
Interchannel skew .................................. 1 ns
Aperture jitter.........................................1 ns rms
Recommended warmup time .................15 minutes
Offset temperature coefficient ...............(1 mV/°C)/gain + 30 µV/°C
Gain temperature coefficient.................. 50 ppm/°C
Timebase accuracy.................................100 ppm over operating
temperature range