Chapter 3 Signal Connections
© National Instruments Corporation 3-3 PCI-1200 User Manual
Table 3-1.
Signal Descriptions for PCI-1200 I/O Connector Pins
Pin Signal Name Direction Reference Description
1-8 ACH<7..0> AI AGND Analog Channel 7 through 0—Analog
input channels 0 through 7.
9 AISENSE/AIGND I/O AGND Analog Input Sense/Analog Input
Ground—Connected to AGND in RSE
mode, analog input sense in NRSE
10 DAC0OUT AO AGND Digital-to-Analog Converter 0
Output—Voltage output signal for
analog output channel 0.
11 AGND N/A N/A Analog Ground—Analog output ground
reference for analog output voltages.
Bias current return point for differential
12 DAC1OUT AO AGND Digital-to-Analog Converter 1
Output—Voltage output signal for
analog output channel 1.
DGND N/A N/A Digital Ground—Voltage ground
reference for the digital signals and the
+5 V supply.
14-21 PA<7..0> DIO DGND Port A 7 through 0—Bidirectional data
lines for port A. PA7 is the MSB, and
PA0 is the LSB.
22-29 PB<7..0> DIO DGND Port B 7 through 0—Bidirectional data
lines for port B. PB7 is the MSB, and
PB0 is the LSB.
30-37 PC<7..0> DIO DGND Port C 7 through 0—Bidirectional data
lines for port C. PC7 is the MSB, and
PC0 is the LSB.
38 EXTTRIG DI DGND External Trigger—External control
signal to trigger a DAQ operation.
39 EXTUPDATE* DI DGND External Update—External control
signal to update DAC outputs.