Appendix D Troubleshooting and Common Questions
© National Instruments Corporation D-7 Serial Hardware and Software for Windows
Selecting Conflict-Free Resources
PCI and PXI Boards
When the Device Manager indicates a conflict with another device, you can
usually correct the problem by manually selecting conflict-free resources.
To do so, complete the following steps:
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel and double-click on the
System icon.
2. ClickontheDevice Manager tabandclickontheView devices by
type button.
3. Double-click on the Multi-function adapters icon.
4. From the Multi-function adapters list, double-click on the serial
interface that you want to change.
5. ClickontheResources tab.
6. Uncheck the Use automatic settings checkbox and click on the
Change Setting button. If the system does not allow you to change the
settings, select the configuration that gives you a conflict-free base
address and interrupt level from the Setting based on list box.
7. ClickontheOK button to save your changes.
AT Boards
When the Device Manager indicates a conflict with another device, you can
usually correct the problem by manually selecting conflict-free resources.
To do so, complete the following steps:
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel.
2. Double-click on the System icon.
3. Select the Device Managertab, and click on theView devices by type
button at the top of the page.
4. Double-click on the Ports (COM & LPT) icon. A list of installed
ports appears.
5. Double-click on the name of the serial port you want to change, then
clickontheResources tab.
To change the resources of ports on shared IRQ AT boards from within the Device
Manager, you must open the Multi-function adapters class and double-click on the name
of your interface. Use the Resources page to change the resources. Any resource changes
are automatically reflected to the child devices.