Chapter 6: Diagnostics Specification 6-7
Display Test
The display diagnostics test the 5992 display screen checking that each
pixel is functioning properly. Select the DISPLAY TEST from the
Diagnostics Menu:
Press any key . . .
Press any key to continue. The pixels are tested to determine if any are
not working, or are stuck on. The following sequence is used:
All pixels on (white screen displays)
Every other pixel off (lined screen displays)
All pixels off (blank purple screen displays)
Every other pixel on (lined screen displays)
If the test passed, the Diagnostics Display Test screen displays again. If
the test failed, the following message displays:
Test Failed
Press any key . . .
Press any key to return to the Display Test screen. The keypad Yes and
No keys are used to navigate through the available diagnostic test
menus, or press Cancel to exit the session and start the 5992
MSR Test
The MSR diagnostics test the 5992 Magnetic Stripe Reader. A valid
magnetic stripe card, preferably one with both track 1 and 2, must be
available to perform this test. Most any Visa or AMEX card should
work. Select the MSR TEST from the Diagnostics Menu.
Swipe card...
Swipe a valid MSR card with the magnetic stripe facing the display
screen. You can swipe in either direction. After the first card is slid, the
display changes to:
T1= 001 T2= 001
T3= NTrk TOT=001