3.6 SETTING Screens
The control provides wide-range
data security service. The picture
screen. When the general
security gate is open the other
security gates have no significant
role, thus all actions listed on
the screen can be executed even
if the symbol . is displayed
beside the action.
If however the general security
gate is locked, i.e., the symbol
is seen beside the caption the ac-
tions, beside the name of which
lock symbol . is displayed,
cannot be executed. If e.g. pa-
rameters are to be edited and this action is locked display . in the 7
field of status bar warns
us that this action is closed in case action menu button is pressed on parameters screen.
The general security gate, the DNC channel, the parameters, the PLC program and the
service operations have
generated code, or
PLC key,
that means that in case of opening, either as an answer to the digits displayed by the control
another number generated from those digits must be given, or the security gate can be opened
in the open (enable) state of the key switch mounted on the machine.
The other functions have
fix code, or
PLC key,
that means that these functions are opened either with a code given in the below table or in the
open (enable) state of the key switch mounted on the machine.