NB6, NB6W, NB6Plus4, NB6Plus4W, NB6Plus4Wn User Guide YML854Rev1
92 www.netcomm.com.au
Firewall – IP Filtering
This page allows you to specify the IP packet filtering rules to prevent the services accessed from the Internet
hosts or limit the Internet access for local hosts.
Choose Disabled to disable the firewall function. Click Enabled to invoke the settings that you set in this
web page.
To initiate the IP Filtering, please select the Enabled radio button and click Apply.
Select the direction to filter packets:
Inbound means the data is transferred from outside onto your computer. Outbound means the data
is transferred from your computer onto outside through Internet. Please choose Outbound traffic or
Inbound traffic as the direction for filtering packets.
To add a new Filtering rule, click Add.
This page provides some settings for you to adjust for adding a new outbound IP Filtering.
Allow Traffic:
Choose No to stop the data transmission, Yes to permit the data pass through.