NetComm NCT240 Installation Guide Release 1.0
Loss of Signal Seconds
1D LOFS Major GEMINAX 1 Day threshold error
Loss of Frame Seconds
1D LOLS Major GEMINAX 1 Day threshold error
Loss of Link Seconds.
1D LPRS Major GEMINAX 1 Day threshold error
Loss of Power Seconds.
1D FIFAIL Major GEMINAX 1 Day threshold error
Failed full initializations
1D SIFAIL Major GEMINAX 1 Day threshold error
Failed short initializations
15M FEC Major GEMINAX 15 minutes threshold error
Forward Error Corrections.
15M CV Major GEMINAX 15 minutes threshold error
Coding Violations
1D FEC Major GEMINAX 1 Day threshold error
Forward Error Corrections.
1D CV Major GEMINAX 1 Day threshold error
Coding Violations
15M HEC Major GEMINAX 15 minutes threshold error
Header Error Control
Major GEMINAX 15 minutes threshold error
Total cells
Major GEMINAX 15 minutes threshold error
User cells
15M IBE Major GEMINAX 15 minutes threshold error
Cell Bit Error
15M CRC_P Major GEMINAX 15 minutes threshold error
non pre-emptive packets with CRC
error in the bearer channel threshold
15M CRCP_P Major GEMINAX 15 minutes threshold error
Pre-emptive packets with CRC error
in the bearer channel threshold