Reference Manual for the ProSafe Wireless 802.11g Firewall/Print Server Model FWG114P v2
G-6 NETGEAR VPN Configuration FVS318 or FVM318 to FWG114P v2
201-10301-02, May 2005
Figure G-6: NETGEAR FVS328 IKE Policy Configuration – Part 2
– From the Encryption Algorithm drop-down box, select 3DES.
– From the Authentication Algorithm drop-down box, select MD5.
– From the Authentication Method radio button, select Pre-shared Key.
– In the Pre-Shared Key field, type hr5xb84l6aa9r6. You must make sure the key is the
same for both gateways.
– From the Diffie-Hellman (DH) Group drop-down box, select Group 1 (768 Bit).
– In the SA Life Time field, type 28800.
3. Click the Apply Button. This will bring you back to the IKE Policies Menu.
Figure G-7: NETGEAR FVS328 IKE Policies (Post Configuration)
The FVS318 IKE Policy is now displayed in the IKE Policies page.
4. Click the VPN Policies link under the VPN category link on the left side of the Settings
management GUI. This will take you to the VPN Policies Menu page. Click Add Auto Policy.
This will open a new screen titled VPN – Auto Policy.