Advanced Settings
N300 Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router DGN2200v3
Set Up a Point-to-Point Bridge
In point-to-point bridge mode, the modem router communicates as an access point with
another bridge-mode wireless station. As a bridge, wireless client associations are disabled.
Only wired clients can be connected. Use wireless security to protect this communication.
The following figure shows an example of point-to-point bridge mode.
LAN segment 1
LAN segment 2
Switch or hub
AP 2
Both access points (APs) are in
AP 1 (DGN2200 modem router)
point-to-point bridge mode.
Figure 9. Point-to-point bridge example
To set up a point-to-point bridge configuration:
1. Set
up your modem router (AP 1) on LAN Segment 1 in point-to-point bridge mode.
a. I
n the Wireless Repeating Function screen, select the Enable Wireless Repeating
Function check box.
b. Select
either the Wireless Repeater or Wireless Base Station radio button.
c. Select
the corresponding Disable Wireless Client Association check box.
d. Ent
er the MAC address for the other access point in the bridge. Depending on your
selection in step a, use either the Base Station MAC Address field or the Repeater
MAC Address 1 field.
e. Click Apply.
2. Set up the
other access point (AP 2) on LAN Segment 2 in point-to-point bridge mode.
If your modem router is the repeater, then set up AP 2 as the base station; otherwise set
p AP 2 as the repeater.
3. Set up bot
h access points and verify that they use the same SSID, channel, authentication
mode, if any, and WEP security settings if security is in use.
4. Disable
the DHCP server on AP 2. AP 1 will then be the DHCP server.
5. V
erify connectivity across LAN Segment 1 and LAN Segment 2. A computer on either LAN
segment should be able to connect to the Internet or share files and printers of any other
PCs or servers connected to LAN Segment 1 or LAN Segment 2.