IPv4 and IPv6 Internet and WAN Settings
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6. Click Apply to save your changes.
7. V
erify the connection:
a. Select Ne
twork Configuration > WAN Settings > WAN Setup.
b. In the upper
right of the screen, select the IPv6 radio button. The WAN Setup screen
displays the IPv6 settings (see Figure 31 on p
age 57).
c. I
n the Action column, click the Status button of the WAN interface for which you
want to display the Connection Status pop-up screen. (The following figure shows a
static IP address configuration; the IP addresses are not related to any other
examples in this manual.)
Figure 33.
The Connection Status screen should show a valid IP address and gateway, and you are
connected to the Internet. If the configuration was not successful, see Troubleshoot the
ISP Connection on
page 388.
Note: For more information about the Connection Status screen, see View
the WAN Port Status on page 374.
Note: If your ISP requires MAC authentication and another MAC address
has been previously registered with your ISP, then you need to enter
that address on the WAN Advanced Options screen for the
corresponding WAN interface (see
Configure Advanced WAN
Options and Other Tasks on page 67).